The Bundled Basics Bonanza!

Unveiling the Magic: How it all Works

Some of the mystery of having a puppy or dog in your family

solved with these basics .... you will be amazed what this knowledge will do for your

training and your relationship with you dog

  • Have you heard of 'engagement with your dog' but still dont think you have it?
  • Have you wondered if you dog truley knows what you want?
  • Do you know what a reward is and how to determine what it is for your dog?
  • Puppy socialisation - what is IS and what it is NOT
  • Toilet training - a nighmare for many dog owners
  • .... and so much more in this course

What is included?

8 Modules PLUS downloads

  • How dogs learn
  • Engagament - what is it?
  • Rewards - am I using the right thing at the right time?
  • Puppy socialisation - what it IS and what it is NOT
  • Toilet training - that dreaded morning puddle you step in
  • Crate training - how this will help you and your dog
  • Shaping a behaviour - say what?
  • Leadership - a naughty word, right?
  • PLUS pdf downloads

What is this worth?

  • You might attend a workshop at $100 - $250; maybe 3 workshops

= $300 - $750

  • On line courses; maybe 4 or 5 courses at $50 - $100 each

= $200 - $500

  • Engaging a private trainer to answer your questions; lets say you want to know more about Socialisation and Toilet Training; maybe 1hr of their time at $80 - $150hr

= $80 - $150 maybe more if you want them to go to your home

  • ........ already looking at investing $580 - $1,400 !!


All of this, potentially valued a up to $1,400

for a one off investment of

ONLY $49.00

Pay once - full access, 24/7, when ever, where ever you like

If this is so great, why are you selling it at such a low investment?

Because we care about you and your dog and want you to have access to the information you need to have the best starting point.

Simple as that!

No gimmicks!